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我家室友的阿伯 老人家 自己在坪林種茶

他的茶包 是立體三角茶包

裡面的茶葉是 坪林出產的 文山包種茶 是茶葉 而不是像市售的茶包 是茶葉磨成粉那種

老人家就是單純的農夫 只會種茶 做茶 不會行銷



一包 裡面12小包,一包澳幣15(澳洲運費另計)

有興趣的朋友請私訊我 因為數量不多


This is from our family related who has tea farm in north Taiwan for over 40 years.

The tea bag is not "tea powder" as normal products in the market.

The package is simple, not fancy because the family-related Uncle is not a business person. He only knew how to plant tea trees.

It is 12 small bags in big bags.


LULU 0435 736 389

坪林 文山包種茶/ 蜜香紅茶 Taiwanese Green tea bag


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